Higher Love Healing

Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop and
start welcoming everyday miracles.
A live, 3-week program. We begin March 1st.
Pre-sale $33 (Regularly $77)

1. Drop the Baggage and Stop the Noise!
... So you can stop obsessing for good and release the need to replay old stories that have been subconsciously held in place to keep you safe.
2. Gain Clarity on What's Been Taking up Too Much Mental Real Estate
... So you can stop replaying stories in your mind, and free up energy for the things you really want to be loving!
3. Find Loving Acceptance of Your Precious Life - No Matter What You're Going Through
... So you can be ok with your circumstances, even if they were driving you absolutely nuts, and finally release the feeling that "something's wrong" and trust everything is unfolding with purpose.
4. See Yourself in a New Light - In Fact, See and Feel YOUR Light!
... So you can feel, know, and trust you're loved. You don't have to be afraid anymore - you're not doing this life alone.
5. Learn Who Your Spirit Guides Are TODAY - in This Moment
... So you can begin to feel cherished and adored as you understand more about the energy you're connecting with, and how deeply loved you are by your helpers on the Other Side.
6. Acknowledge Your Dreams without Wobbly Energy!
... So you can finally say out loud what you want from this life, without feeling embarrassed or like you have to hide any longer, and be able to send the Universe a clear message about all that you desire. Come manifest what you really want with a new level of trust in the Universe!
If your heart is fluttering YES!, you're in the right place.
It's time to release the old, embrace what's true for you, and expand into the next version of you!

...is not something to chase,
it's already within you.
All you have to do is remove the veils, one by one.

​You're tired of surface-level information (literally you could have read the book!) and you know there's more out there.
You've done the work and you don't need to start from the beginning. You're seeking powerful tools you can return to as a practice, for the rest of your life.
You're ready for deeper wisdom teachings and you're ready to do the work, all you need is for someone to take you there. ​
You tend to have positive energy, and have had trouble finding teachers who match that; who are truly committed to ongoing growth, leading with unconditional love, and are truly dedicated to running their vibration high, no matter what.
You've sat through countless classes where the instructor spent more time promoting their next program than teaching the actual class itself, and you're longing to feel the teacher's desire to readily support YOU.
You're hungry for a program that honors your "human" with real, practical guidance, yet also honors the "beyond the skin" aspects of you - including your past experience and magnificence.
You're tired of the gurus and you know if you could just find a teacher you could let it all hang out with, who could get REAL with you and who shares openly about life's challenges, you could finally relate.
Have you just found your people?! I truly hope that's a yes!

You like a step-by-step program you can make your own.
You're ready to go deep and observe your life, with love.
You want structured guidance and someone to lovingly ask the hard questions, so you can grow.
You're drawn to exploring your natural intuitive gifts.
The thought of growing closer with and working with your Spirit Guides everyday feels like magic and butterflies to you!
You know there's more to the spiritual world and you're ready to explore, or...
You have a consistent practice, but you're ready for a high-vibe guided reset.
You're looking for a community where your new insights are celebrated... where you can share thoughts, synchronicities, and ah-ha's!
You're looking for authentic (and live!) community support
​Wait... have I mentioned there will be a LIVE group where you can share insights, inspiration, and ask questions daily?
A carefully crafted journey combining timeless wisdom with practical daily exercises and insights.
Each day builds upon the last, creating a foundation for inner growth and expansion.
Over 50 teachings, meditations, and journal prompts you can revisit again and again!
Week 1:
Release & Ground
Week 2:
Embrace & Expand
Week 3:
Explore into the Beyond
Week 1: Release & Ground
This week, rediscover that joy is not something to chase, rather it's been inside of you all along. You'll learn to shed false beliefs and layers of doubt with gentle practices and rituals. Begin to awaken (or re-awaken!) to your highest potential! You are safe to lay down your armor, let go, and open to all the goodness that awaits.
Week 2: Embrace & Expand ​​
Every time you embrace your own worth, miracles happen. This week, we'll explore powerful practices that help you trust your inner wisdom, and... meet your new BFFs, your Spirit Guides! As you begin to feel the highest vibration, unconditional love, you'll begin to love and accept yourself more, and see how the Universe has been supporting you all along. Remember, life loves you and wants you to thrive.
Week 3: Explore into the Beyond!
Learn to live from a place of wonder and possibility. You'll discover that happiness isn't something that happens to you - it's your natural state of being. Embrace and trust in life's goodness and you never have to wait for joy - it is your divine birthright. Enjoy experiencing what's possible when you stop waiting and start living in joy.

Walking through each day feeling FREE because you've stepped into your divine blueprint, letting all that isn't "truth" fall away.
You finally befriend that inner critic, and you just don't have time or space for anything that isn't love anymore.
You learn to identify your true feelings, only taking forward what you own, and you no longer have to be the one who holds it together for everyone else.
Happiness is your natural state, and you let go of the old habits and thoughts your system has held in place to keep you safe.
You felt so much lightness from releasing old baggage, that you have so much space for the new to enter!
Instead of feeling stuck, you feel so open to what's next!
Ready to shake things up?
Recently, I was invited to contribute the vision-forward final chapter in a groundbreaking book alongside Stanford scientists where I explored how deeper ways of knowing can transform leadership and human connection, and enhance our contributions to the world.
The truth is, I have always been more interested in the inner intelligence of each individual - what's right with you, rather than what's wrong with you. In fact, I don't believe anything is wrong with you.
My Master's in Transpersonal Psychology and years as a Process-Work Facilitator have shown me that when we have the right perspective and environment, we can create conditions for growth by woking with the limitations of the ego and mind, and exploring the expansive potential of the soul and spirit. In this place, extraordinary transformation becomes natural.
Through my work with hundreds of clients, I've discovered that joy is our natural state of being, yet, we must invite it in... and claim it.
So many of us live in a constant state of bracing, even subconsciously, waiting for the other shoe to drop, and holding ourselves back from fully embracing our lives.
This insight led me to develop The Joy Code, combining rigorous academic understanding leaning on my therapeutic and wisdom teachings training, with practical, transformative practices that can help you return to your natural state of joy and possibility.
While my approach bridges the gap between academia and wisdom teachings, what makes this truly unique is I am also an energy intuitive. This means I have received and developed over time, the gift of sensing energy and speaking to beings on the Other Side. This makes our live group truly magical, bringing together:
Deep understanding of human transformation through transpersonal psychology
Evidence-based practices from process-work facilitation
Heart-forward leadership principles
Practical tools for accessing deeper wisdom
And intuitive insights and energy healing on the group, as an energy intuitive.
Not to mention, in addition to my spiritual "self," I am a regular human in a flesh suit, with the experience of mothering two boys (one with High Functioning Autism) and wife-ing and working in the Bay Area including 22+ years in corporate, and all the things that entails (let's just say... it's far from my childhood where I found respite in my backyard/field of horses)!
I believe when we're ready for a shift, the right teacher appears. And once we up-level our perception from where we once were, everything shifts, and more joy becomes available.
Every rung of concsiousness is adored and valued by the Universe. Is it time to jump to the next one?
I'm here to show you how.

Amie Tyler, MA
Energy Intuitive, Process-Work Facilitator, Author